Are you thinking about popping that very important question but don’t know where to start?

Our friends at Platinum Guild International have shared 4 easy tips for starting the process, and we wanted to pass along!

  1. Set A Budget

“How much should I spend on a designer engagement ring?” is a very common question. The rule of thumb is typically equivalent to two months salary, but ultimately it’s whatever you are comfortable spending.

2. Keep Your Lifestyle In Mind

Make sure you pick a setting that is conducive to your partner's lifestyle - personal and professional. Platinum is the most secure setting for diamonds thanks to its high density and will not require your ring to be reinforced or re-shanked.

3. Choose Everlasting

Platinum is the most durable of the precious metals. Did you know the surface of your rings will actually get stronger with wear?

4. Consider The Maintenance

White gold requires rhodium plating to maintain its white finish and must be re-plated to address normal wear. This can be done as you take your ring to your jeweler for cleaning and maintenance. However, remember that platinum is naturally white and will never change color over time.